Course Schedule for CM50175
Research Project Preparation  2007

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Lectures this year are in 5W 2.4 at 11:15 am on Tuesdays.  Note I have another lecture at 12:15, so if you want to talk to me, it's better to catch me at a seminar!

Seminar participation on 2, 9 & 24 March is mandatory and for credit.  None of the other lectures or seminars are mandatory; they're just recommended.

The April lecture is totally optional. It is provided  to answer last minute questions about how to write the introductory chapter (that is, get full marks for the part of your paper I will be marking) and possibly to help students find partners for proof-reading.

Notice that this is all subject to change at the moment, final scheudling will be determined with your DoS over the next few weeks.

Lecture Date
 Lecture Topic
Seminar Content

30 January
Introduction to CM50175 + What's in a Dissertation?
Staff Presentations
6 February
Using the Bath Library for Literature Research Staff Presentations
13 February
Choosing a Project + Using & Citing Literature
Staff Presentations
20 February
What Dissertations Look Like
(may include intro to latex & bibtex)
Staff Presentations (maybe!)
Submit choice forms noon 23 Feb
27 February
Proving You've Done Something:  Doing Statistics
How to Read Papers (2 March)
5 March
Testimonials on doing MSc projects -- What Worked, What Didn't Thesis Statements  (9 March)
12 March
No Lecture Scheduled
(may do lab with intro to latex & bibtex)
Literature Reviews (16 March)
19 March -
16 April
No Lectures Scheduled
17 or 22 April
What Needs to be in the Proposal?    Q&A
No More Seminars
4 May
Submit your proposal! (by noon!)

page author: Joanna Bryson
last updated: 28 January 2007