Staff Talk Schedule for
Research Project Preparation 2005
3E 3.8
8W 2.5
9:35 (9:55)
12:35 (12:55)
18 February
24 February
25 February
F. Causa
MDV (JPff)
A. Evans**
P. Leonard**
* indicates flexible about date and time (but not day of the
** flexible about time within hour
+ indicates flexible about date, (but not day or time!)
++ indicates flexible about everything.
! indicates would have preferred another day but kindly took the last
- Duncan
Allsopp's projects.
He isn't speaking, but wants interested people who are interested to
come talk about it.
- Federica Causa left
her power point, I converted it to web pages.
- Adrian N. Evans
- Research: image processing &
analysis; image & video comprehension -- finding the one word in a
thousand from a picture.
- segmentation, representation,
- SAR(adar) segmentation using local
graulometries (texture)
- texture preserving speckle
- cloud tracking (infrared) tracking
deformable objects
- colour edge detection &
- Projects:
- Speckle reduction using
granulometric sieves.
- Nonlinear texture segmentation
- Motion assisted video enhancement
- low quality video sequence (poor
light or high compression)
- get stuff from a variety of
frames & improve quality
- Paul Leonard has a link:
- Artificial Life -- starts from existing code
- model aspects of life by siulating simple cells
- programming in java (OOD)
- cells live in a 2D space (could extend to 3D but more costly)
- Cells use energy to tick & move
- cells gain energy by eating food at current position in space
- subregion space has food, but slower growth rate than cells
need to survive so they must move.
- asexual reproduction, (could extend w/ sex)
- functions to change state
- genes -- currently random generation of operators &
connections, could combine (breeding, mutations)
- projects: implement sex, do plants & animals
- Web based genetic music
- rep a musical composition as a colleciton of phrases (init.
at random)
- combine phrases
- get "surfers" to determine the fitness of the phrases
- java applet clients, MySQL database on server, has some
phrase representations already.
Comp Sci
- Claire Willis talked about
L-systems to represent plants using
rewrite tools (graphics & visualization).
- show how to change shape of plant systematically.
- simulating conditions where plant grows (response to virtual
- teaching botany.
- modeling aging, esp. in trees.
- modeling complex ecosystems.
- build
l-systems generator to control overall shape of plant.
- recognizing
solar features (sun spots) (requires mathematics)
- cityscape generation.
- Surface animation of growing/changing objects.
- e.g. flower petals opening (a little mathematics, but existing
phd to start from)
- genetic algorithms
- other modeling & graphics -- come talk (water, fire,
clouds, rain)
- Derek Paddon (GUIs,
- demonstrated past projects with L systems that don't have
enough parameters.
- Image
stitching -- photoshop does it, but not well. Want more flexible.
- applied to astronomy / galactic photos (requires good digital photo).
- applied to landscapes.
- stereoscopic pairs -> 3d
- quality of photographic images - color photography
- parallel ray tracing -- can do with grid computing (PCs, linda)
- Specification-based inheritance (extending from their class
- Algorithm animation -- sorting, searching, data management in
general, better visualizations (3d).
- Modeling traffic flow (traffic lights vs. traffic circles)
- Alwyn
Barry's projects.
- general interests: machine learning, artificial life (parts of
AI). Applications: data mining.
- research projects:
- Visualization of GBML (views population dynamics of
population-based machine learner.)
- Group behavior of simulated robot lions.
- Simulated wolf group behavior in MASON.
- Aquatic group predators (not in his list linked above)
- tuna & killer whales
- requires reading & complex simulation.
- Grammatical Evolution -- learn new programs autonomously - in
- applications:
- a better multiple choice question / automated test system
- a tool for generating web pages that do database queries -
produce forms, validation & update codes. s/b better than MS
- Eamonn O'Neil (all projects with industry)
- Specifying accessible experiences during rapid prototyping
- website design / sketches -- make accessible from start.
- Accessibility and emerging devices.
- mobile phones -- if you solve for blind people, will it solve
general usability issues?
- (vodaphone) context aware information - phone recognizes what
you want & gives it to you (ultimate goal). For now --
recognize gps location, combine info from that with your todo
list. J2ME
- Phil
- Main interest - VR including Games. Most VR things are
decorations, not behaving like stuff in real world. Wants to
increase the amount that are -- every object works. Only need cpu
power when something changes.
- Propose your own projects in VR -- the below are for
- past projects:
- previous project did bouncing balls, but no friction
- things fall with shadows (see run on website) cubes vs. balls
- mechanical & electrical -- recognize circuit formation
after collision.
- gears & cogs - mechanical vs. electrical connectivity
- current projects
- facial animation & emotions
- 3d captured data -- visualize it in a uniform way
- Peter Hall
- projects on line (maybe, ask cpw) -- but his talk is his REAL
interests, but also happy to take proposals & negotiate
project descriptions.
- Main interest is synthesizing art from images & video
(vision & graphics)
- salience maps -- understanding
things in image enough to emphasize the important things.
- projects
- cubism
- futurism
- classifiers (more trad computer vision) w/ machine learning
- algebra over eigon values, gaussians, hidden Markov models --
maths & physic people welcome for these.
- recognize patterns e.g. eyes, teeth.
- eliminating flicker but maintain automated painting-like
- John Collomose
- research interests: computer graphics & vision
- non-photorealistic (artistic) rendering (NPR)
- video processing
- real-time graphics & vision
- evolutionary algorithms
- projects
- applying NPR to low-bandwidth
video conferencing
- spherical panoramas
-- real-time video stitching for augmented reality, immersive NPR,
robot navigation
- evolutionary algorithms for
NPR, document fragment matching (shredding!) distributed computing.
- real-time video clip
classification -- visual spam filtering, fusion of multiple
signal classifiers
- 3d face tracker --
applications in surveillance & cubist rendering
- Dan Richardson
- projects
- fireflies
- intermittent glowing synchronizes across insects
- model & determine theory -- time across episodes
- is this like neural models?
- cicadas
- same phenomena, but with sounds/ chirping
- spiking neural networks
- listens to spikes coming in, when threshold exceeded,
- we know the brain has synchronized firing in collections of
neurons, how is that controlled?
- same for heart cells
- already SW packages to model these.
- jellyfish
- a central network of 15 neurons, swimming involves
synchronizing their firing, controls muscles for swimming
- so overall problems
- how do we get synchronization?
- what helps an element move back into time?
- if network is asleep, gets an input, sometimes activity
dies, sometimes prompts ongoing activity. characterize threshold
between these.
- medical & computing applications
- lots of current research to read up on.
- Nicolai Vorobjov
(easy to google)
- research : mathematical side of computer science
- example: examine geometric shapes using computers
- applications in graphics, but also more abstract
- may want to use them to compute!!
- how do we represent them such that a computer can handle
- finding alphabets that allow their description (algebraic
- topics for projects
- just some signposts, feel free to twist & turn into
something you find more interesting & talk to him.
- computer linear algebra system -- a bunch of connected
programs doing linear algebra -- solve systems of linear equations,
handling matricies, etc. A `baby sister' system for Maple, REDUCE
etc., simplified & restricted to linear algebra. Restrictions
should allow for a better / faster specialized system.
- study of two-person games (not computer games, real games) --
represent as a matrix of numbers. Players choose stategies (rows
of matrix for agent 1, columns for agent 2)
- sounds abstract, but could even explain chess if you apply
it correctly.
- Beautiful Mind stuff!
- Robot motion planning
- start & finish points, obstacles in between.
What's the shortest path such that it doesn't hit any obstacles?
The one with the least number of turns. 2D or 3D?
- last year, student applied to sailing -- plan boat race
courses. different sorts of criteria.
- Joanna Bryson, see
her projects
- Julian Padget, has
projects pages
- Research interests: agents, multi agent systems, music,
norms and institutions, semantic web
- projects:
- Web Services Trading Agent Competition
- Magic directories
- make them actually find what you need!
- allow you to find things over arbitrary / multiple indeces
- use virtual links, existing tools (semantic web)
- Location sensitive mapping
- gps+pda guide
- use for history, education, art -- a sound installation
- develop tools to build sucn things
- Sound & signal processing
- adapt existing tools for maths web services to provide
music & sound ones.
- construct signal processing workbenchusing triana web
services toolkit http:..
- A web client to support the automatic classification and
construction of genre playlists from available audio files.
- Russel Bradford
has a projects
page too.
- interests: mathematics & crypto; networking
- projects
- networking
- firewalls to stop invaders -- look at packets. make
it easier to configure these.
- large number of machines connected -- can you visualize
- spring based to make it prettier / fit it out
- eigen vector method (for people who know what that is
only -- very maths oriented.)
- encription
- new dutch advanced encription standard Rijndael
- implement it in several languages, compare & contrast
- implement several ways in one language
- digital watermarks
- mathematics
- multiplying numbers that are thousands of digits long
- known algorithms, you just need to implement, figure out
which one works better.
- Marina De Vos has also project
- interests: answer set programming,
knowledge representation and reasoning
- Presentation
- projects:
- ASP Projects
- An IDE for ASP
- ASP Agent Framework
- Finite State Autonoma Generation
- Incremental Propositional OCLP
- Compute Time Estimator for ASP
- Precompute branching for ASP
- An open implementation of DLT
- Non-ASP Projects
- Call Graphing in C
- Customised Wiki
- E-learning Site for @lis
- SSH Key Distribution
- Detailed
list in pdf
- John (ffitch) Fitch
- interest: music and compilers
- projects
- classifying sound (e.g. birds)
- software for composers, rehearsal,
- automated music, drum machine
- modelling physical instruments
- sonification of data
page author: Joanna Bryson
last updated: 10 March 2005